• Classic Vocabulary Study

    Analyzation of vocabulary from the greats through rudiments, sound, approach and orchestrations. How they made it work and what you can learn from them.

  • Developing Vocabulary

    Exercises for developing your unique vocabulary through specific accents, flams, and grooves. and learning to apply your vocabulary appropriately.

Course curriculum

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    • Vocabulary 1- Introduction

    • Vocabulary 2- Colaiuta

    • Vocabulary 3- Colaiuta 2

    • Vocabulary 4- Colaiuta 3

    • Vocabulary 5- Caribe Lick from big band album

    • Vocabulary 6- Steve Smith

    • Vocabulary 7- Old Gadd Samba

    • Vocabulary 10- Paradiddle Grid

    • Vocabulary 11- Paradiddle grid variation

    • Vocabulary 12- Paradiddle grid variation 2

    • Vocabulary 13- Paradiddle grid variation 3

    • Vocabulary 14- Flams

    • Vocabulary 15- Flams 2

    • Vocabulary 16- 5's in both hands

    • Vocabulary 17- Flams 3

    • Vocabulary 18- 5 Groove variation

    • Vocabulary 19- 4 5 6 Exercise

    • Vocabulary 20- More Grid Variations