• Work on your flow

    In depth discussion of time and flow with exercises to develop both. Discussion of where to sit in the beat on certain styles, as well as how to hit to get the right approach.

  • Movement

    Mastering your movement. Discussion of syncopation and how it relates to translating the right feel. The importance of not disrupting your feel through fills.

Module Curriculum

  • 1

    Time/Flow Module

    • Time/Flow 1- Eight Beat 1

    • Time Flow 2- Eight Beat 2

    • Time Flow 3- Shuffle

    • Time Flow 4- Two Hand Sixteenth Groove

    • Time Flow 5- Quarter note/Movement Exercise.

    • Time Flow 6-Sixteenth note movement exercise.

    • Time Flow 7- Relaxing fills

    • Time Flow 8-Fills and flow

    • Time Flow 9- Inappropriate or appropriate?

    • Time Flow 10-Slap Leather/Carlos Vega

    • Time Flow 11- The Perfect Shuffle

    • Time Flow 12- Lh Syncopation

    • Time Flow 13-Right Hand Variations

    • Time Flow 14-Syncopation with systems