Course curriculum

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    Q and A Module

    • Q and a 1- Coming to NYC, Mastering exercises through practice, how much reading is involved in the NY scene.

    • Q and a 2- Can I live outside of New York and work there? Website customer questions.

    • Q and a 3-Why we don't discuss gospel drumming.

    • Q and a 4 (in Virginia)- Why are behind the scenes videos constructed the way they are

    • Q and A 5- Personality and gigs

    • Q and A 6- Money gigs in NY, Traveling to make a living, Negotiating fees, saving money on tour

    • Q and a 7- Equipment, Private study, big band study

    • Q and A 8 (In Osaka Japan)- Dealing with Producers, dealing with people in positions of authority.

    • Q and A 9- (in Florida) Travelling/Touring stories with other musicians.

    • Q and A 10- Integrity, reputation, handling business correctly

    • Q and A 11- How gigs come about, where do rehearsals take place for different tours

    • Q and A 12- Motivation, getting yourself to work when you don't feel like it

    • Q and A 13- Self Taught vs music school

    • Q and A 14- What I would do differently

    • Q and A 15- Why i don't shoot more lesson videos on tour

    • Q and A 16-Auditioning and NOT getting the gig, dealing with politics

    • Q and A 17-Producers changing their minds, dealing with artists bad moods

    • Q and A 18- Tips on being the last one to record on an existing track in the studio