Course curriculum

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    Practice Development

    • Practice Development 1- Introduction

    • Practice development 2- Considering your habits when constructing a routine

    • Practice Development 3- Working backwards

    • Practice Development 4- Pitfalls in your routine

    • Practice Development 5- Burnout

    • Practice Development 6- Self awareness

    • Practice Development 7- Dealing with frustration

    • Practice Development 8- Comparison

    • Practice Development 9- Stuck in London

    • Practice Development 10- Being observant of subtle changes

    • Practice Development 11- Fundamentals and observing them

    • Practice Development 12- Your voice and how to develop it

    • Practice Development 13- Respecting the process

    • Practice Development 14- Ideas and why you should NOT get attached to them

    • Practice Development 15- Drive, dissatisfaction, discomfort

    • Practice Development 16-Being honest with yourself

    • Practice Development 17- Urgency

    • Practice Development 18- Details and why you should pay attention to them

    • Practice Development 19- Making things your own